Strawberry Moon Love + How this million dollar tarot owner grew her biz

Hi Reader,

Can you believe we are officially into summer now?
The weather has already been hotter than hades this past week with high humidity which has made things very uncomfortable in Toronto.
I think this may be the longest I've ever gone without writing a newsletter with the exception of when I'm traveling so this was highly unlike me.
I was completely burnt out from going on about 4 hours a night of sleep trying to get my course finished so after BC Stack ended, I had to decompress as I was feeling exhausted and unwell.
Of course it couldn't have happened at a worse time as I was planning on delivering the bulk of my lessons for my new course which was launched to BC Stack purchasers. I expected to have those elements available to students by June 24th as well as some very patient readers who received the course as a bonus.
I know that pushing myself to create when I'm feeling terrible serves absolutely no one. I know the best thing I could do for myself, and for my readers and students, is to take the time I needed to recover.
Still, I can't help but work so I've been trying to do as much as my body will allow. Even though I was still feeling a little wobbly I did manage to finally venture out on Friday, which was the official start of the full moon (aka the Strawberry moon.)
After my walk, the friend that I was with told me that he has had Covid for the last two weeks! He didn't bother to tell me this information before our walk, or while he was sitting beside me coughing.
When I asked him why he didn't tell me that information he said, "Oh, I tested negative. I'm fine." 😲
I woke up yesterday with a fever and a sore throat. So yay. Suffice it to say, I don't think I will be venturing out with that person to see the moon, or anything else.
I'm still not sure if I'm sick but I wasn't feel fantastic to begin with but this doesn't help expedite the mountain of work I have to do.
For those who already signed up, or are still waiting for this course, my goal was to have the majority of the elements ready by yesterday, but that obviously will need to get pushed back slightly due to multiple setbacks so I profusely apologize in advance for the delay.
I was also hoping to offer a link to get access to my new course at a really great, reader-only deal but I want to share that when I get more of those pieces put into place.
First tech snafus, then health snafus - hopefully we've gotten everything out of the way and things can move along as hoped soon, right? πŸ˜…


Count down to 2024-06-27T08:15:00.000Z​

There's less than two days left to take advantage of Leonie Dawson's super affordable, no commitment, Brilliant Biz Academy payment plans​. If you were interested but kind of on the fence, I love Leonie so much, I've added some new bonuses to sweeten the deal.​
This is the first time in ten years that Leonie has offered a monthly payment plan option, and it's going away again in a hot minute!

Do you love Leonie but just haven't wanted to take the leap to plunking down your hard earned cash for a year commitment to yet another membership?
Right now, you can join with monthly access to her membership which houses over $10,000 worth of courses, coaching, books, templates & virtual co-working space.
All content is immediately available. No content is dripped and you're not locked in if you're not feeling it. Plus, if you know you only need to check out a few of her high ticket courses, this is the perfect way to make use of her membership with no ties.

Plus this month alone, you'll also receive access to a ton of brand spanking new content such as a fabulous biz basics workshop replay, gorgeous templates and blazing hot guest experts such as founder of (the world’s largest tarot website) Brigit Esselmont's Tarot for Business workshop.

Brigit is best known as the best-selling author of Everyday Tarot and founder of Biddy Tarot. An intuitive entrepreneur, Brigit has helped millions of people all around the world discover how to trust their intuition, access their inner power, and bring the Divine into their everyday life, using Tarot as a guide.

Brigit's story:
"When I found Leonie Dawson and the Academy back in 2012, it was exactly what I needed. I had just quit my corporate job to become a full-time Tarot reader – and everyone thought I was crazy. But, not Leonie.
Leonie inspired me to embrace my creativity as an entrepreneur, set wildly outrageous goals, and get sh*t done – all to create the 7-figure business I have now.
She’s the cheerleader, buttkicker, and profoundly-deep-question-asker you need in your business and personal life. The best thing about Leonie is her infectious energy. She’s like the human equivalent of a triple espresso shot. You can’t help but feel motivated and inspired when you’re around her."
– Brigit Esselmont, founder of
(the world’s largest tarot website)
Leonie has taught tens of thousands of students with rave reviews and seen them go on to build 6 and 7 figure businesses of their own, create popular e-courses, and publish books that have shot to the top of the Amazon best-seller list.
Leonie's students stay with her for DECADES because they KNOW that she ALWAYS overdeliver and helps them create WAY more income than any money they ever spend with her.
In her membership, there's only one wrong way to use the Academy and that's to not use it at all.

Grab this deal for $29 a month, but hurry, because Leonie is doing a trial run of this offer so it may never see the light of day again.

And if you know you're going to love it and missed out the last time she opened up her membership, grab the yearly deal to get the best bang for your buck for $199 a year and JOIN me! I've been a member since she opened her doors two years ago and I highly recommend it.

This one-time offer is only available until June 27th. Make sure you check out my new bonuses below if you were thinking of jumping in!

✨BONUS 1 - If you purchase the monthly plan, choose a one-time deluxe bonus from anything on my shop page.
Please note my bonus structure is in the process of changing so bear with me as I transition.​
As of now, it will be:​
Regular bonuses = Anything below $27
Deluxe = $27 - 37
Deluxe x 2 = $47 and $47
Deluxe x 3 = $67
My bonuses do not expire so you can save them for another time. I'm going to continue to refine the process and will update you on that soon.
✨BONUS 2 - If you decide to opt for the yearly, choose six deluxe bonuses AND I'll also throw in the following extra goodies which are BRAND SPANKING NEW (as of June 25th):

The Abstract Watercolor Peony bundle - 10 piece collection in 8 x 10" with MRR rights. (That means you can do whatever you want with them without making any changes. You just can't sell the templates as is.

✨BONUS 3 - I'll throw in a second 10 piece set: The Abstract Watercolor Colorful Peony bundle consisting of 8 x 10" abstract, modern art prints. These are similar to the first but with a different set of color palettes for added variation.

These also come with MRR rights so you can use them to create backgrounds for planners and printables, dividers, covers as well as KDP, POD, etc.
Both of these sets have
massive evergreen appeal so you can use these collections for years to come.
Normally, these pieces would retail individually for a minimum of $10 with personal use in my Etsy store (a value of $200) but today you're getting the entire set with commercial use, so the value is significantly greater. Email me with your receipt and I'll send this over after I have completed it on or after July 3rd.




Julie Coffman is back with a really cool course which is perfect for summer, especially if you've really been interested into diving into KDP.
It's called Camp Wannapublish and this is a one-of-a-kind offer! If you're scratching your head wondering what Camp Wannapublish is, picture summer camp - fun activities, campfire stories, and making memories - with a "low-content biz" spin.

You'll take your publishing game to the next level with creative low-content product ideas, page layouts, design and publishing techniques, & tutorials.

What's different about this is that you get the summer camp vibe with exclusive content and personalized support all meant to help you have FUN publishing and profiting from low-content products like planners, journals, notebooks, and workbooks.

This is also a REAL-TIME experience!

Julie is creating and publishing a brand-new low-content product and leading you through the process so you can overcome procrastination, bust through productivity blocks, and get that product DONE! πŸ‘πŸ»

I have taken a lot of Julie's challenges and normally they are $97 so the $47 price tag considering all the support you get is pretty phenomenal!
Currently on sale for $47. (Regularly $97!) This offer is only available until June 30th at 11:59 PM EST.

✨ BONUS - If you buy Julie's new workshop, (make sure you see my name "laramai" at the bottom of the checkout page where it says powered by Warrior Plus when hovering over the little person icon) choose two deluxe bonuses from my new shop page.
​Please note my bonus structure is in the process of changing.
Regular bonuses = Anything below $27
Deluxe = $27 - 37
Deluxe x 2 = $47 and $47
Deluxe x 3 = $67
My bonuses do not expire so you can save them for another time.



Jan Small is back with the Ultimate Job Application Spreadsheet with PLR commercial rights. It's the perfect tool for job seekers to get on top of all the jobs they're applying for.

It also helps them craft the perfect resume and cover letter for each application.

Job Application spreadsheets are super popular all year round on Etsy, which is not surprising with so many people seeking new jobs or careers, and this one has all you need for a great product to sell in your shop.

As a seller you can change the spreadsheet if you wish. Full instructions are included so you can easily add your own design ideas to make your product unique or make a special version for different customers. Full simple instructions with screen shots are included (30 page pdf instruction booklet) for editing the spreadsheet.

The Job Application Spreadsheet uses Google Sheets which most customers will be familiar with and have free access to, but it doesn't rely on any spreadsheet knowledge. The interface is very simple for customers and the steps for getting started are included in the product.

There's a bump offer on the checkout page of a seller's pack for $7 to help you get the product to market quickly.

It includes an instruction booklet (in editable Canva template format) to create a PDF for customers, 10 product mockups in two formats (rectangular and square), 160+ relevant keywords, and a sample product description specifically written to sell this product.

An upsell after purchase ($9) offers a Career Planning Toolkit spreadsheet, also with commercial rights, which can be sold separately or provided as a bonus with the main spreadsheet. The spreadsheet has a sheet with sections for customer to explore what they want out of their career, a sheet to assess potential careers, and a sheet to think about personal values which are so important when choosing a career. The product also includes seller instructions, a sample spreadsheet and customer instructions that you can provide along with the Project spreadsheet.
The Ultimate Job Application Spreadsheet will be $17 during launch (regularly $37) Use coupon code APPLICATION to save $20.
This sale ends Monday July 1st at midnight PST.

✨ BONUS - If you purchase Jan's planner, choose a regular bonus from my shop page. If you purchase the bump and the upsell, you can choose a deluxe bonus instead.




Jenn is back with her newest offering, the Inner Child Content Kit.
Do you feel like something was missing in your childhood?
Nurturing your inner child is all about discovering and fulfilling those emotional needs that went unmet during your early years. This process not only soothes past pains but also strengthens your current emotional well-being.
Tailoring this content to match your unique voice is easily done with our user-friendly Canva templates.

Here's what you get:

AFFIRMATIONS - 30 affirmations to add to a journal or provide to your audience.

CANVA TEMPLATES - 12 different templates. Fully editable free in Canva.

PHOTOS - 5 links to photo sites with creative commons license.

EPIC BLOG POST - 2559-word blog post called "How To Heal Your Wounded Inner Child"
SELF SURVEY - 10 questions or prompts to help your audience acknowledge their inner child

SOCIAL MESSAGES - 30 messages taken from the blog posts to share on your social media accounts.

Customize and tailor the content to align with your unique journey. The user-friendly Canva template makes it easy to edit and adapt the kit to resonate with your personal style and voice.
Right now, you can grab this kit (regularly $27) for $10 off using CHILD10 until June 28th. Or join Jenn's amazing Content Creator's Library and download all the kits you can use for one low price.

✨ BONUS - If you buy Jenn's new kit, choose a regular bonus from my bonus page. If you opt for her Creator's Library instead, choose a one-time deluxe bonus.





Mitzy Thompson is running a short Summer Sale this week.

Right now, you can grab two of her best selling courses at a huge discount:​
Rapid Printable Creation is reduced from $97 down $37
​Pretty Spreadsheets for Profit is reduced from $97 down to $37

This sale is on until Friday, June 28th, at 11.59pm Eastern.

✨ BONUS - If you buy either of Mitzy's courses, choose a deluxe bonus from my bonus page. If you pick up both courses, you can grab three bonuses. Any upsells also qualify for a deluxe bonus.



Katherine's is back with her newest kit in her Limitless Design Kits Monthly Membership​

This month's charming and cheerful Garden Grows Design Kit is sure to spark a touch of joy in your projects. This kit is a celebration of lazy summers and simple pleasures and was quite frankly so much fun to create. Whether you're designing seed packet labels, crafting garden-themed greeting cards, or simply want to add a touch of natural whimsy to any of your designs, this kit has you covered.
With all the latest concerns over copyright, usage rights, and outsourcing art from questionable sources, a few members have asked if she makes the graphics in her kits. The answer is YES, she personally illustrates/draws/paints the graphics.
All of her personal hand-drawn or painted illustrations and high-resolution elements can be used to create PLR, digital products, physical products, and TEMPLATES (to name a few) which is MUCH MORE than any typical commercial use license.

Along with the individual elements, she's also included a few different types of graphics to help you create scenes.
These design kits are only available for one month inside the membership so you have until the 14th to pick these up. Katherine will then be offering them for sale at the current regular price of $97.
You'll automatically receive $482 worth of bonuses that come with MRR rights, meaning you can turn these kits around and not only sell them commercially, but as PLR without restrictions!
MRR or master resell rights means you can sell these items commercially to others who can also sell them commercially. Normally, with PLR, you can sell them to others for personal use only.
This means you can use these products to create your very own PLR. It's also perfect if you've been wanting to get into a bundle but don't have a creative bone in your body and aren't sure what you would be able to offer with PLR rights - now you'll be able to thanks to Katherine's gorgeous resources.
Best of all, you can use these elements without fear of infringing on someone's license, which is much more generous than a standard commercial use license, and use them for to create PLR digital products, physical products, and templates (to name a few) - and yes, even stickers!

Check out everything you get on the sales page. This kit will be available at the discounted price of $27 until tonight - June 14th.

✨BONUS - If you purchase Katherine's kit choose a one-time regular bonus from my bonus page.



My BFF 4EVA, the wonderful, whimsical, woman known as Melanie Dougherty has just released a super fun set of 100 Retro Comic Memes to add some unique flavor to your social media designs.
Mel has taken it a step further and added a set of over 220 ideas for meme texts and captions you can use, or gain inspiration from to come up with your own zingers.
This is categorized as: Funny/Sarcastic, Online Business Owner, Mom Online Business Owner, and Family

These are fully editable in in Canva and are ready to go. Pick these up for $27 with coupon code MEMEFUN
And if you love this set, make sure you check out her newly rebranded membership Club Pub (deets right below) which has a super cool companion set you'll definitely want to check out!

✨ BONUS - If you grab Mel's meme's choose a regular bonus from my bonus page.


Melanie has just changed the name of her membership from Club Pin to Club Pub.
When her membership started a few years ago, it was focused on Pinterest Pins, but her club has evolved so much that Mel decided it needed a name change to suit where she's going in her business.
Previously, members received access to two months of content (the current one and the previous month's) but from now on, you'll receive access to ALL her content! That is HUGE as this means it won't go poof after a couple of months. You'll be getting access to everything she's ever created plus a growing library of video training on how to use the content. There's so much VALUE for everything you get!
If you're worried that her brand new renovation means an increase in price, the good news is she's kept it at $10 FOR NOW.

This month's featured products:

  • Business Basics Solopreneur eBook - 43 Pages, fully customizable templates created in Canva, with PLR
  • 35 AI Created Corresponding Images - with PLR

The eBook is a basic overview of different areas to consider when starting and growing your online business - perfect if you're new to this and want to start your own business, or you've started and want ideas to continue to grow your business.

She's got a fun (super cool!) Retro Comic vibe happening for this month's products, with topics that include:

  • Business Basics
  • Technology
  • Market Research
  • Customer Experience
  • Ethics and Business Savvy
  • Grow-Learn-Lead

And this just in: Members will receive April's Products as a BONUS plus everything from previous months!!
See images below for an additional bonus of the Product Research and Organization Training --- also included in April's products and not yet available anywhere else!!​
Mel's new training is not really a lesson on keyword research,.....more an example of a good few key words she's found, and how to combine them in your product listing to up your searchability results.
And there's a system to organize all that research and "rabbit hole research," because Mel's a systems gal. This includes those key word gold mines you find when looking for something else.
This also includes how to organize and label all your best seller inspiration photos to not only speed up your product creation process, but to help you take that up-front work you did and use it to create numerous products.
Save time. Up your creation. Win Win. Includes Google sheet and Canva template so you'll have your own organizational system.

This month's Club Pin products were created from just some of the things she found, so it's a great little implementation training. She shows you what she found, how she organized it and then turned it into two different products that you could just run wild with and use to create many others.

This training is ONLY available in her membership PLUS you'll also receive the two created PLR Canva Templates.
Soon this the training will be sold on it's own, but not with the two additional canva products included. Those will be an additional cost.

All this for just $10 and comes with commercial usage! We're talking super great value!
And make sure you check out some of her other fabby products: ​
Bundle of eight Club Packs for just $47
ConvertKit Quick Tips Training.

✨ BONUS - If you grab Mel's membership, choose a regular bonus from my bonus page.


Creative Fabrica is back with their Big Spring Sale. A massive sale where you can grab 90% off sitewide on millions of fonts & designs!

Make sure to check out their wildly popular Double Store Credit promo, which is back for a limited time.
If you've held off on picking up their yearly All Access Membership which is currently on sale for the lowest price they've ever offered it ($47/year - 3.99 a month ) and prefer purchasing your graphics outright, this is one of my favorite promotions to stock up on to stretch your dollar even further.

Check out my bonus page here. My bonuses do not have an expiry.
​Update regarding bonuses​
I've been having a few issues lately around receiving commissions so if you want to ensure that you buy through my links and receive your bonuses, please make sure to make your purchases on a desktop.
Apple does not allow for link tracking and there is a good chance that I will not get credited for the sale. It's also a good policy to click my link and purchase right away because if you decide to do so later, and you're browsing other sites, or checking out other emails, you may accidentally click on someone else's offer unknowingly so they'll get credit for a sale and if you don't know who that person is, they might not have a bonus for you.
For Thrivecart purchases: Make sure you see my name laramai at the bottom of the checkout page under affiliate as shown in the photo below. As there are many templates used in Thrivecart, the field might look different than the photo below but the name will appear somewhere at the very bottom of the page underneath the cart.

For Warrior+ purchases: Make sure you see my name "laramai" at the bottom of the checkout page where it says powered by Warrior Plus.

Fantastic Monthly Memberships to Grow Your Biz:
Most of these memberships qualify for a bonus so check out the Bonus Key below!
To claim your bonus, please email me at with BONUS in the subject line.
Amy (Fruitful Freelancing) Low Content Intel Subscription - $19.95 mo/$195 yearly. (B/BZ30)
Angela Wills' Email Practice Club - $20 (founding rate!)/$200 yearly. (B/BZ30**)
Becky (PLR Beach) Business Beach Club Member and Pro Member - $29 or 99/month (DB/BZ30)
ClΓ udia Orengo's Passive Income Growth Academy - $27 mo/$270 yearly. (B/BZ30**)
D'vorah (Share Your Brilliance) Content Creation Club - $27/month (B)

Faith (Faith's Biz Academy) Canva Templates Vault - $9/month ($197 one-time fee) (BZ40)

Gabby (Cup of Zen) Spirit Animals Monthly Membership - $15/month
Jenn Brockman's Content Creator's Library $37/month (DB) or $162 for 6 months. (BZ20)
Jenn Brockman's Purposeful Path PLR Club - $15/month (B)
Julie Hall's KDP Creators Clu, $37/month (DB)
Katherine (Oasis Lane) Limitless Design Kits Membership $27/month (See above for deets!) (DB)
Liz Wilcox Email Marketing Membership - $9/month

Melanie (Bittyspire) Club Pin $10/month (See above for deets!) (B)
Melissa Rezza Cookie Jar - $24/mo (B)
Melody (PLR of the Month) Kitchen Sink PLUS $27/month (B)

Michelle Rohr (Secret Owl Society) - Say Yes to Desire (formerly) Planner Girl Insider's Membership : $300 lifetime fee or $50 x 6 months. (BZ30 for one-time payment)

Mim Jenkinson's Create + Co-Work Club - $19/month (B)

Ruth Poundwhite - The Soulful Sales Society - $29/month (B)
Sue (Createful Journals) Monthly Inspiration Templates & Journal Prompts $7/month
Sue (Createful Journals) Pretty Printables Club $10/month


B - A regular bonus from my bonus page. ​
DB - A deluxe bonus from my
bonus page.
BZ20 - A 20 minute Intuitive Business Coaching Session* (*Check out my testimonials here or here.)
BZ30 - A
30 minute Intuitive Business Coaching Session*
BZ40 - A
40 minute Intuitive Business Coaching Session*
BZ60 - A
60 minute Intuitive Business Coaching Session* ($300 flat fee option)
*All bonuses are one-time and not recurring.
**Please allow for payment to clear for any memberships that offer a refund policy. (ie: Angela Wills.)

Thanks so much for being part of my list. I'll be back soon with more great offers, stories and special gifts just for you.

Happy Tales!

Lara xo

My name is Lara and I'm the owner of Tales From the Rouge - inspired by a magical enclave in the Rouge Valley in the east end of Toronto, Canada. I'm a writer/television producer and a wife and mom who loves photography, crystals, and my ever-expanding collection of typewriters. I'm inspired by nature on a daily basis and draw inspiration from my surroundings which trickles down to my creations.

✨ My Favorite Biz Tools ✨

*TC Bonus: If you purchase Thrivecart using my link, I'm offering TWO 40 minute Biz Coaching sessions. If you upgrade to Pro, I'll add in a third session! Currently, I am not accepting coaching clients so this is your chance to work with me directly. 😻

✨ Tales From the Rouge Freebies & Deals ✨

You are receiving this newsletter after signing up for one of my paper packs in a free or paid bundle or giveaway. I hope you'll stay and enjoy my newsletter containing useful health and wellness tips, fun stories along with awesome promos and gifts! However, if you don’t want to stick around, just hit that unsubscribe button at the bottom of this email. I do hope you hang out for a bit to see what the fuss is all about!​

I often recommend products and services that I use or that have been recommended to me by people I trust. In many cases these recommendations are accompanied by an affiliate link, which provides me with a referral commission if you click through and make a purchase.

The information presented here is for educational purposes only. Before taking any action that may affect your health, finances, or well-being, please check with your own doctor, health-care provider, financial and business advisers. Always do your own due diligence.


Lara Champion

Writer, TV Producer/Director, Digital Creator. (Discovery Channel, HGTV, The CBC, Elle Canada, The Toronto Star, and US Weekly.) Although I'm an award-winning journalist who has shot stories around the world, nothing gives me more joy than taking photos in my local stomping ground, β€œThe Rouge” and turning them into illustrative art. I love sharing stories and images with my community along with free and paid resources to help others break the chains of the 9-to-5 hamster wheel to achieve a life they love. Check out my previous posts but keep in mind that only subscribers get access to my occasional gifts which aren't posted below - so sign up to receive my daily newsletter!

Read more from Lara Champion
Pages Palooza

Hi Reader,Well, I never thought the day would arrive, but between being sick for over a month now with what my doctor suspects is pneumonia, and feeling like there's a piano on my chest all all times, I'm happy to announce my brand new course is available for pre-sale! πŸ₯³ GET PAGES PALOOZA ON PRE-SALEIf you've been with me for awhile, you might remember running an informal poll to gauge if there was any interest in a training I wanted to create back in early 2023 on how to create a tripwire...

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