Whoops! Take a peek at my shopping spree (FOR REAL this time!) πŸ™ˆ

Hi Reader,

Yesterday I wrote and told you about a shopping spree I indulged in a little while ago and wanted to share a photo with you.
Not sure what happened but a few of my readers let me know there was no photo. Freaking tech gremlins! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
Because I totally screwed the pooch on that, I'm including the photo above - aaaaand reposting my story from yesterday!

My neighbour Samantha is a rep for an amazing clothing line called Silver Icing which is having a huge sale this weekend. I love supporting friends and I'm also crazy about their products. They have a rabid customer base so if you don't jump quickly when new products get released, if it's something really cute, chances are, it will already be gone during the pre-sale phase!
You have to be quick if you see something you like, and sometimes you'll score a fantastic deal. They're known for certain pieces like Wanakome, along with staples such as their fleece leggings which are perfect for chilly Canadian winters.
One the brands I've been eyeing for a long time is Corkcicle who are known for making super high quality insulated containers. On Amazon, they have amazing reviews and are generally considered the gold standard in their category.
I've wanted one for years but they're just too overpriced and I could never justify the cost. They're also one of the brands that NEVER goes on sale. Well, back in the summer, they had a sale! Not a super crazy deal like you'll find in the PLR world with all the bundles we're spoiled with, mind you. But a discount on a brand that never goes on sale was enough for me to jump. And I didn't just jump, I rented a submarine and took a deep dive! 🀣
But I went for years with a cheap stainless steel canteen. You know - the type that sweats everywhere, makes a mess, drips, doesn't stay cold very long, tastes funny, and worst of all - the type that you have to wash by hand! (Who honestly has the time for that?)
Corksicles have none of these issues. plus they're dishwasher safe! For a super lazy person like myself who hates washing dishes, that was what sealed the deal for me. Super great quality. Easy to manage. Makes life easier. And at the time, on sale for 25% off.
So why did I go from holding out on buying all these years to going nuts? I decided I wanted to treat myself. And my family. I deserved it and I wanted something that brought me joy and made me feel good every time I used it. I honestly don't know how I went so long with just a plain old glass that sat exposed on my desk every day, collecting dust and getting warm. This container stays cold for 24+ hours and has a fully retractable lid.

Long story short - these beauties are heavily discounted this weekend (and a lot more than the discount I received!) While the site is being decimated like a plague of locusts, the Corkcicles haven't exactly been receiving a lot of love. Why?
Because shoppers don't realize that even though these items are marked in red, denoting a "sale," the price is still super expensive - at $55 CAD for a cup or $68 for a canteen? No thanks!

What's not widely known is that they're actually on "secret sale" and the price gets drastically reduced when you put these items (marked in red) into your cart. So that $68 price tag on a canteen actually goes down to $34.97...and $56 goes to $27.97 - Canadian. So an even better deal for my Americans friends.
I tried it with a bunch of Corkcicles and the secret deal works! If you're a big Marvel or Star Wars fan, you'll want to take advantage of these amazing prices while you can on quality items that will last you for years to come.
There's still stock but I did notice that they've already ran out of the Black Panther style as well as Spiderman and Boba Fett in the canteens so if you're interested, and in North America, check out the Corkcicles here.

You can also shop the rest of the Thanksgiving sale below. If you have questions or need help with sizing, just click on Sammie's cute little photo on the top left hand corner of the website. I can't really help with sizing like Sam can but if you have general questions or want more info on the Corkcicles, or a fun piece of clothing, write me because I love to shop! πŸ˜†


April LeMarr is back with a brand new set of Canva templates that come with either PLR or PLR Resell Rights .
April's stunning Blooming Wonders Canva Templates has ultimate versatility with over 100 pages of designs in 10 different categories!
With these Canva Templates you'll receive:

  • 10 Challenge Page Designs
  • 10 Tip Templates
  • 10 Outline Pages
  • 10 Worksheet Pages
  • 5 Q&A Templates
  • 5 eCover Templates
  • 5 Call To Action Page Templates
  • 22 Lead Magnet Page Layouts
  • 20 Time Management Pages
  • 20 Social Media Post Mockup Templates

I am crazy about how gorgeous her pages are - plus, as someone who drones on and on about nature, you KNOW how crazy I am about flowers!
⚑ If you need to create a workbook, a challenge or a quick lead magnet to for your audience, you can't go wrong with these templates which are a HUGE timesaver!
Here are just a small sample of some of the pages you will receive in this collection. 😻

This set is part of her brand new monthly membership called Monthly Canva Template Toolkit which packs in so much value for what you receive each month.
Sign up as a member and receive either PLR rights for $17 a month or PLR Resell rights for $37 a month.
As a member, you'll receive additional benefits:
1. You'll receive the templates at least two weeks prior to them being put on the site.

2. The cost is $10 less per month than purchasing the templates outright.

3. You'll have new Canva Templates at your fingertips on a monthly basis and won't have to worry about what to create.

You'll also have the option to purchase a monthly or quarterly plan.

✨BONUS - If you purchase her $17 membership, choose either a painting from my Etsy store (which will come with commercial use) or a regular bonus from my bonus page.
If you opt for the $37 membership, you'll immediately receive my brand new
Sunset Heron collection, which is not available on my bonus page, in your members area PLUS you can choose another deluxe bonus. Just write me and let me know what you'd like! You may also save your bonuses for an upcoming paper pack as my bonuses do not have an expiry date.


If you're always stressing about the licensing that comes with graphics that you buy from places like Creative Fabrica, or have trouble making your own graphics - or just don't have the time, Katherine over at Oasis Lane Studio has come out with the Limitless Design Kits Membership, a brand new, low cost membership with GORGEOUS graphics that come with MRR rights - meaning you can not only use that commercially for personal use, but you can use it in your own designs that you can sell as PLR!

I've noticed there seems to be more PLR memberships coming up lately and some I haven't promoted because I don't think the quality is up to snuff.
Katherine, who is a graphic designer, definitely does NOT fall into that category and her membership is a fantastic deal which comes with a ton of extra goodies when you join as a founding member.

Each month you'll receive a pack of 250 graphics without restrictions which are super easy to use in Canva, Powerpoint, Keynote, Word, Wordpress, Affinity, & more. Use them to create unique products and illustrations for PLR products, print on demand - or even create stickers with them and sell as PLR! You can also create consistent, attention-grabbing social media marketing & branding and eye catching lead magnets to build your list!

Take a look here at all everything you'll get and make sure to join to lock in your rate at the founding member price.

✨BONUS - To celebrate Katherine's new venture, when you sign up for the Limitless Design Kits Membership using my link, grab two deluxe bonuses from my temporary bonus page. πŸ’—

Mitzy Thompson from Busy Bee is back with a brand new course called Mockup Profit Multiplier.

Are you looking for a way to sell more of your printables without paying for ads or having to make any changes at all to your products?

In this intensive video training course, Mitzy walks you through how to create and use mockups in ways I’ve never seen before using totally free software like Canva!
If you noticed the mockup I included above, this is one I bought from a pack and changed around to accommodate more photos. Most mockups don't allow FIFTY photos so I had to change it up.
With Mitzy's course, I can learn how to do it myself rather than using someone else's as a base and building off of that framework.
Besides video lessons, you'll receive:

-7 Comprehensive Video Training Lessons (showing you the best ways to create and use mockups in your business)

-14 Printable Worksheets comprised of 20 pages (to take you through the course seamlessly)

-7 Over-The-Shoulder Training Videos Making Mockups (covering simple through to advanced techniques showing you everything you need to know)

-Canva Templates for Mockups x10 (only available in this course)

-Infographic To Discover How To Bring It All Together As Your Own System For Creating Mockups effortlessly

-Mockup Tracker (to help you make the best decisions for your printable products)

-Bonus Modules x2 (Discover how to put all the training together to make it work for you PLUS learn the best 6 ways to earn money from mockups as a separate business)
If you were lucky enough to purchase Rapid Printables from Mitzy a few months ago, you know what a screaming deal her training was. I'm excited to dive into mockups as this is an area I'd love to learn myself rather than relying on others as I'm never able to find the perfect one that suits my needs exactly.

This comprehensive training course + printables is on launch pricing for only $19.95 until October 14th, 2022 at 11.59pm EST. After that the price will rise to $47 after which it will go up to its full price of $97.

✨BONUS - When you buy the main offer, using my link, choose either a painting from my Etsy store (which will come with commercial use) or a deluxe bonus from my bonus page. If you purchase OTO1, you will also receive a second deluxe bonus. If you buy OTO2, grab a one panel portrait - or combine your bonuses to get a four panel art portrait! πŸ’—


After YEARS of learning from Leonie and buying oodles of her courses, Leonie has come out with the Brilliant Biz + Life Academy.

This makes me a little sad since I've spent so much on her courses but for only $99, getting access to ALL of her courses + coaching calls + upcoming workshops and any course she creates is a no brainer deal.

Whether you're interested in starting a business, writing a book, creating a course, sorting out your finances, getting your mindset right, perfect your marketing, getting organized, or planning out your goals, there's something for you.

If you're not big on foul language, Leonie is not for you, but I think I might be one of the very few who could make her blush if given the chance so that doesn't phase me. 🀣

Leonie has made millions of dollars and works when it suits her. Not the other way around. She takes super long vacations for months at a time, doesn't muck around wasting time with social media, and has mentioned she only works a few hours a week.
Talk about living the dream, right? 😻
Leonie Dawson is back with an incredible offer that is a crazy good deal.
You've heard that old saying to choose wisely when it comes to who you surround yourself with, right?
Well, if you want to be successful when it comes to starting an online business, the best way to do that is to align with people with a proven track record when it comes to making money and amassing a rabid following of fans.
And, if they know a little something about what you're hoping to learn, that's even better.

Leonie is a multimillionaire, takes super long vacations for months at a time, doesn't muck around with social media, and has mentioned in the past that she only works a few hours a week.

Sounds pretty sweet to me!

If you're crazy about Leonie Dawson the way I'm crazy about Leonie, you've probably bought a few of her courses, or at least considered the idea. Having to pay anywhere from $99 to $297 per course gets expensive fast though, which is why Leonie has just reopened her highly revered, Brilliant Biz + Life Academy after three long years.

If you want to get unlimited access to all Leonie's courses (worth $1,500+) along with her books and monthly coaching for less than $10 a month, grab it now while you can still.
Take a look at everything you get for less than $10 a month membership:

  • Sales Star e-course (usually $297)
  • 40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course (usually $197)
  • 40 Days To Finish Your Book e-course (usually $197)
  • Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income e-course (usually $197)
  • Marketing Without Social Media workshop (usually $99)
  • Get Organised! course (usually $99)
  • Work Less, Earn More workshop (usually $99)
  • Behind The Scenes of a Multi-Millionaire's Finances (usually $7)
  • Goal Getter Business e-workbook (usually $9.95)
  • Goal Getter Life e-workbook (usually $9.95)
  • Goal Getter To Do List Planner (usually $9.95)
  • Goal Getter Weekly Planner (usually $9.95)
  • Calm Christmas Planner (usually $10)
  • SALT romance novella (usually $3)

And two very special bonuses:

  • 2+ new workshops released each year (usually $199)
  • Monthly group coaching calls with Leonie (valued at $997)

Leonie is already cooking up ideas for new workshops to be released... PLUS monthly group coaching calls are an incredible resource for anyone who can't afford one on one coaching from someone who always has no BS honest advice that can be truly life changing.

Plus, check out my amazing bonus options below! 😻

✨BONUS OPTION 1 - If you purchase the Brilliant Biz + Life Academy, choose TWO deluxe bonuses from my temporary bonus page. You can also opt to save your bonuses for upcoming collections. My bonuses do not have an expiry date.
✨✨ BONUS OPTION 2: Choose a one panel custom art portrait which I will design for you based on the photo you provide. See details and samples near the bottom of my bonus page. πŸ’˜

If you've been interested in breaking into the highly profitable coloring book niche, twice a year, for only a few days, Lady Rayven gives you the opportunity to get an all access pass to her store in the form of a golden key. If you're already familiar with Lady Rayven, you're well aware that her website, Color Monthly PLR, is the cream of the crop when it comes to the world of adult coloring books. And right now, for a tiny window of time, Rayven is offering up her very special Gold Key access. What’s Gold Key? Have you ever read a book where the protagonist receives the key to the city? The heavens part, the angels sing...Yeah...It’s like that. With your very own Gold Key you’ll get immediate access to the treasures inside the Color Monthly vaults and everything they have to offer!

What you'll receive:

Access to ALL of Color Monthly PLR’s Current Product Library (a $7,000+ value)
Have your Color Monthly PLR account loaded with every product we’ve produced since the very beginning – PLR monthly themes, coloring pages, journals galore! You’ll never run out of exciting content for your market and your low content journals and planners.

Access to ALL of Color Monthly PLR’s Digital Products Created In The Future (apx value: $3k yearly)
Color Monthly PLR produces 3-4 new products each month – and has no plans on stopping! Already created months of products ready to be fed into the kitty. Gold Key participants will have access to all new Color Monthly PLR products during their membership – including all upgrades, bonus products, courses, and more. If it’s digital, and it’s for sale on Color Monthly PLR, it’s in your account!
​EXCLUSIVE: Limited License Storybook: Christmas Gnomes ($99 value – not available for purchase)​
Unlike most PLR, this is your chance to be one of very limited number of licenses sold that own the Private Label Rights license to a fabulous 30-page coloring storybook. That is, a series of coloring pages that carry the same characters throughout, telling a fun story in the process. Only Gold Key pass holders have access to this product – it will not be sold separately on Color Monthly PLR.

Plus, Gold Key Access members will receive Christmas Gnomes - a limited license storybook coloring book that WILL NEVER BE SOLD on Color Monthly. ONLY the Gold Key holders get it!
Total – $10,000+ value!

Unlock your very own Gold Key while you can. This invitation is only available until tomorrow! (October 10th.)

✨BONUS - If you purchase The Gold Key Pass through my link, send me your receipt and I'll gift you everything on my temporary bonus page. or three private, one-on-one 40 minute sessions with me after payment has cleared. You can check out a bit more about me as well as my services along with the people I've worked with and testimonials here.

Sue from Createful Journals has just released a brand new release called the Intermittent Fasting planner.
This is an extremely popular topic right now which is something I've been doing for years...without knowing that's what it's called. (I call it the "being a mom who is too busy to eat diet.") 🀣

These templates come in PowerPoint in Full Color, Black & White, Minimalist, no graphics style and includes:

33 PowerPoint Templates - Letter size
5 Covers
5 Matching Digital Papers/Divider Pages
Pinterest & Instagram Social Media Pages

Use coupon FASTING to save 20% at checkout until Tuesday, Oct 11th until 11:59 EST.

✨BONUS - If you purchase Sue's planner through my link, choose a deluxe bonus from my temporary bonus page.


D'vorah's has just announced her monthly Content Creation Club workshop & PLR package for October is now available. Introducing: How to Create Terrific To-Do Lists. Editable PowerPoint templates and PLR / Commercial Use Rights are included.

In this workshop you'll discover different types of to-do lists that you can use for a variety of reasons. To-do lists are great to add to existing printable and digital products and they make great course resources and opt-in gifts.

You'll receive an editable, PowerPoint template, so you can customize these lists for your projects and products. The companion PLR Pack for this workshop includes templates, with commercial use rights, that you can use in your products.

Normally $37 - you'll get it for only $27 with code: SAVE10. Want to get this workshop for FREE? Keep reading!

✨BONUS - If you purchase How to Create Terrific To-Do Lists choose a deluxe bonus from my bonus page.


If you're a fan of D'vorah and are crazy about her workshops, why not consider upgrading to become a monthly member of her Content Creation Club? You'll get immediate access to her newest workshop along with a ton of extra goodies!

Check out everything you get below!

✨BONUS - If you purchase D'vorah's monthly Content Creation Club membership, I'll gift you two deluxe bonuses! The first will be my exclusive "Sunset Heron" collection. A 20 piece collection that come with commercial rights which you won't find anywhere else. (Not even on my bonus page!) You can also choose an extra deluxe bonus from my bonus page. Write me with your receipt and let me know what additional bonus you'd like. (If you have the Sunset Heron bonus already, write and let me know what you'd like instead.)


Becky has just released her brand new Mid-Century Modern Christmas Print Planner Bundle which contains 30 pages of thankful planning fun, including 3 covers, gift planner, budget planner, party planner and more to help you plan the perfect Christmas holiday for family and friends.

Files Included:

PowerPoint for Print Planner and GoodNotes Digital Planner

Keynote file for Goodnotes Digital Planner

Canva template share links for Print Planner

Instructions for how to use the Digital Planner and Digital Stickers

PDF for Print Planner and GoodNotes Digital Planner

30 clipart

30 stickers made from the clipart

1 PNG Sticker sheet for Cricut users or print

1 JPG Sticker sheet for hand cut

10 Christmas coloring images in black and white and full color
Check out everything you get below! Only $27 with coupon XMAS10 until October 14th.
​However, if you're interested in getting both of these items absolutely free (as well as a ton of extra goodies on top of that) make sure you check out the next offer before purchasing.

*BONUS - If you purchase Becky's Mid-Century Modern Christmas Print Planner Bundle using my link, choose a deluxe bonus from my bonus page.


Becky is a six figure blogger and printable/PLR seller who has just given her membership a makeover under the name Business Beach Club.
⚑ You may be tired of hearing about memberships but Becky's is one that you shouldn't overlook as it's fantastic value if you want to actually earn money and earn way more than you paid in monthly dues while growing your list!
Becky earns over 40,000 a month selling digital products on her PLR and printables sites and wants to help you become successful too. They say the best way to achieve your goals is to align with those who are already successful.
To celebrate her revamp, Becky is celebrating the launch of her newly improved membership with a special discount!

Right now, get all of the training in her monthly membership for only $29 (previously $47) along with monthly PLR goodies to use/sell. When you join in October you get her brand new Mid-Century Modern Christmas Print Planner Bundle as well as September's content: the super cute Mid-Century Modern Thanksgiving Planner Bundle.

In this membership, you'll receive:
All Becky's courses released in the membership (over $1,000 value) which also includes her brand new course which will be released later on October 19th, Printables Affiliate Academy. Members get immediate access to this course where Becky teaches you how to set up your own affiliate program for your own store and how to be an affiliate for other people. Becky makes over 1,500 a month in affiliate income alone so this is a great member perk!

Bonus Training Vault (over $1,000 value)

1 PLR Print Planner a Month ($27 value)

1 PLR Digital Planner a Month ($37 value)

Digital Stickers every Month ($17 value)

1 Training or course a Month ($147 value)

Private Facebook Group ($50 value)

S.M.A.R.T. Goals Workbook ($17 value)

Invitation to $5 sale each quarter (priceless)

1 Facebook live a month (priceless)

Total value is $2,295

..but only $29 a month

⚑ One of the biggest perks of joining Becky's membership is getting access to her $5 Quarterly Sales which has a massive reach. I can't remember the exact number so don't quote me on this but I think I remember Becky saying her PLR newsletter has about 5k readers and her personal printables newsletter has around 16k. (Somewhere between 15k and 20k I think which is a HUGE audience to have the opportunity to connect with!)
As a member, you also get to keep all the profit you make from her sales without having to pay any affiliate costs which is even more amazing!
If you're interested in growing your list and making sales, this is by far one of the BEST perks of being a member. Many members have mentioned making hundreds of dollars in sales every quarter so the membership pays for itself by leaps and bounds!
I am part of Becky's membership and can personally vouch for what participating in Becky's $5 Quarterly Sale can add to your revenue. πŸ˜‡

If you're interested in coaching, and want unlimited coaching from Becky via email, as well as live weekly coaching calls, check out the Pro Membership option.
Check out everything you get here:

✨BONUS - If you purchase Becky's regular membership through my link, choose a deluxe bonus from my bonus page. The ones in my store come with personal use, but you will get yours with commercial usage!
✨BONUS 2 - NEW! If you purchase Becky's Pro Membership through my link, choose either two deluxe bonuses, a customized one panel art portrait designed by me or a product audit. You will receive direct feedback from ME about any submission you want to include in Becky's upcoming $5 sale (or instead of a product audit, I can help you with brainstorming and/or choosing a product.) You will receive this every quarterly period for as long as you're a member in her group!
β€‹πŸ‘‰ I've worked with rock stars, Oscar winners, athletes and titans of industry. From Keanu Reeves to Coldplay and Jennifer Hudson to Jane Goodall - just to name (drop) a few. πŸ˜†
I also charge $125 an hour for coaching so having me look at your product is a huge value-added to Becky's membership and one I will not be offering for long. If you've been considering this membership for awhile, grab it now as I will be taking offer down shortly as I only have a limited amount of people I can offer this to.

If you haven't already picked up this gorgeous set, Jennifer at Health and Wellness still has her gorgeous BOHO freebie available. This set gives you 6 printables from the bundle, and 3 of the Instagram posts.

The printables included are:

β€’ Quarterly Goals

β€’ Habits

β€’ Daily Planner

β€’ Emergency Contacts

β€’ To-Do List

β€’ Self-Care
Grab them while you can and if you love them, you can grab her offer below for a great price.


Jennifer has decided to release all the articles from most products in her store (except the Bloggers Bundle) and put them into one massive bundle for only $27!

​The Mega PLR Articles Pack contains 813 articles and cover all the main topics currently in her store, including health, wellness, holistic health, mental health, self-help and personal development, mindset, diet, exercise, weight loss, journaling, and so much more. ​
With this many articles, it would be impossible to show you all of them, so instead here is a list of the products these 813 articles come from:

  • Life Organization
  • Positive Mindset
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Emotional Wellbeing
  • Journaling Your Weight Loss
  • Habits and Routines
  • Spiritual Habits and Routines
  • Living With Chronic Illness
  • Health Lifestyle Spiritual Blog Posts
  • Crystals for Spiritual Practices
  • Spiritual Blog Posts
  • Healthy Fall Habits
  • Self Care Stress Sleep
  • Journaling for Health
  • Productivity and Motivation
  • Positive Affirmations Upgrade
  • Wellness Vol. 2
  • Nurturing Your Mental Health
  • Sleep Exercise and Diet
  • Year of Health and Wellness
  • Gratitude Journal
  • Life and Health Reset
  • Kids and Teen Journaling
  • Natural Weight Loss
  • Journaling for Self-Care
  • Intermittent Fasting and Keto
  • Natural Health
  • Walking for Health
  • Living Holistically
  • Plant-Based Bundle
  • Law of Attraction
  • Journaling for Intuitive Eating
  • Intuitive Eating
  • Using Planners Vol. 3
  • Wellness
  • Stress, Burnout and Overwhelm
  • Journaling Routine
  • Kids Wellness
  • Weight Loss Mindset
  • Mindfulness for Productivity
  • Meal Prep and Planning
  • Self Love
  • Journaling Your Goals
  • Healthy Family Habits
  • Sleep Hygiene
  • Using Planners Vol. 2
  • Using Planners Vol. 1
  • Natural Holistic Mega Bundle
  • Journaling Mega Bundle
  • Healthy Lifestyle Habits

This bundle is perfect if you have a blog and need more content, but have no use for other bonuses typically included.

You will get over $800 worth of articles you can get for just $27 this week only.

✨BONUS - If you purchase this bundle through my link, choose a deluxe bonuses from my bonus page! πŸ’˜


If you're looking for ways to broaden your business in the digital world, Val & Lady Rayven are back today with the brand new Prosperous Publishing Bundle.

This is a collection of useful resources, tools, and training which will help you grow your network, increase your sales, and boost your profits through avenues such as Amazon KDP, print on demand, and even podcasting.
They've also decided to bring in some experts on low-content publishing as well as self-publishing and full book publishing for two different live panel discussions!

List of Participants - Total Value $1,620

Sue Pats of MynuBeginning - Convert More with Small List Without Feeling Salesy - $597

Deborah Carney of BookGoodies - One Week Home Page Feature - $49

Paul Taubman of Digital Maestro - WordPress Inner Circle Academy - $141

Darlene Hawley - It's Time To Own Your Story! - $147

Rayven Monique of Abundability - 1:1 Make It Happen! Private Coaching Session - $197

Ruth Bowers - The Ultimate Podcast Host's Notebook - $27

Dee Pawar of P4 Digital LLC - Writers Website and Author Building Planner PLR - $37

Benecia Ponder of Inspirational Authors - Virtual Book Your Workshop - $67

Virginie Vandeuren of Oxyp Design PLR - Halloween Cuties Line Art Images - $37

Rosie Battista of Rosie Creative Services - The Card Deck Brainstorming Session - $67

Heather Ritchie of Writer's Life for You, LLC - The Ultimate Quick-Start Toolkit for Freelance Writers - $67

Rayven Monique of Color Monthly PLR - More Grateful & Gorgeous Coloring Calendar & Planner - $90

Bluedolphin Crow of Solo Business Breakthrough - Believe in You Affirmation Product Bundle - $97
​The Prosperous Publishing Bundle is on until October 16th. Check out all the details below.

✨BONUS - When you purchase the bundle using my link, choose a deluxe bonus from my bonus page. πŸ’—

Carmen over at Simply Couture has a super cute set of Digital Fall Stickers that she's offering for free. If you love them, her companion set of 23 gorgeous, individually cropped Fall Thanksgiving Digital Stickers are on special launch pricing for only $12 from now through October 7th. Use coupon code FALLSTICKERS to save!


Creative Fabrica has just released their new Fall Watercolor Clipart Bundle for FREE! Offering a range of 20 fall themed graphics such as: pumpkins, cute animals, forest clipart and many more, this collection is perfect for your upcoming seasonal crafts! Elevate your scrapbooks, stickers, mugs, cards, invitations and any other DIY projects.

This unique clipart collection is available for free for a limited time, so be sure to get it now and save $206! Creative Fabrica’s lifetime commercial license is included.


Design Cuts celebrated their anniversary this week and for a limited time, are offering 50% or more on over 180 of their top selling packs including: Procreate Brushes, Graphics, Textures and Patterns, Affinity Brushes, Fonts and much more.
Besides their mega bundle deals which they offer on rare occasions, Design Cuts rarely has deeply discounted sales so this is a great opportunity to save on some amazing collections at a HUGE discount.
Shop here while you can and take advantage of their biggest sale of the year!

If you're interested in learning about email marketing and how to build a list and make money, Angela's new membership, ο»ΏEmail Practice Club is a low cost choice that packs a a wallop when it comes to value. You get a bunch of free trainings every month and you'll also receive the added benefit of being able to ask Angela anything related to email marketing during weekly live sessions! That's basically like getting free coaching for pennies on the dollar!
⚑ Recently I shared that I joined Angela Wills' new membership, Email Practice Club last month. So far, in exactly one month, I spent only $20 on the membership and am now closing in on almost 1k in gross sales and over $400 in commissions from promoting Angela's products, which is recurring income.

πŸ‘€ Check out the testimonials on Angela's sales page with some notable PLR sellers gushing about how Angela changed the trajectory of their businesses! πŸ‘‡

Angela has packed her membership with goodies to help you succeed in business such as:

  • Monthly Email Training (with replay) where Angela shows you a certain email technique:
  • August's training: "List-Building for Anyone" walks you through time-tested list-building strategies no matter if you're starting with a list of 0 or 10,000. (Value $95).
  • September's BRAND NEW training: "The Case for Daily Email Marketing" where you'll learn why and how to send daily emails that your subscribers' LOVE, look forward to, and buy from. (Value $95).
    Monthly Email Prompt Ideas to help you send out emails without feeling stuck on what to talk about. (Value $25)
  • Monthly live Q&A Meetings where you can ask her anything. (Value $300)
  • Private Customer Community Access where you can connect with a fabulous community of email & online business owners. (Value $50)
  • Amazing bonus classes! Students get these classes for free. Four in August including Finish Strong, Find Anything, Anywhere, and Building Your List with Challenges. (A $100 value)

⚑ Best of all? Angela is so sure you'll love her club, she offers a 30 day money back "Removing the Risk" Guarantee on her membership AND her course, so there's nothing to lose and everything to gain when you choose either option.
If you're serious about growing your business through email marketing, this membership is one you should definitely check out. And with a 30 day risk-free guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
​My suggestion? Grab the yearly membership to save an additional $50, kick the tires and take it for a spin for 30 days and if you don't think it's worth the cost, you can cancel at anytime within the 30 day window and get a full refund.
I would be remiss to mention that when you join as a member, you will get the option to sign up as an affiliate for Angela and promote the club. You can easily make your money back within one or two sales, and as shown in my case, quite a bit more! 🀠
Best of all, you get to hang with me! (The value of this? Priceless!) 🀣

✨BONUS - If you purchase the monthly option for Angela's membership, choose a painting from my Etsy store! The ones in my store come with personal use, but you will get yours with commercial usage!
✨✨BONUS - If you purchase the yearly membership using my link (and pay in full) book a 30 minute intuitive business session. Use the session to go over everything from business, branding, media, mindset, sales strategies, and more. ⚑ You can also use our time to go through my exact strategies for how I built my list and the tools I used to help me get there.
I've worked with Oscar winners, rock stars, athletes and titans of industry. From Keanu Reeves to Coldplay and Jennifer Hudson to Jane Goodall - just to name (drop) a few. I've also worked with international brands such as Air France, Volvo, Royal Caribbean and I even helped win an Oscar for a film studio. If you need to gain confidence being interviewed or conducting interviews, now's your chance to benefit from my one-on-one expertise and advice. You can also choose other types of services here.​ Check out some of my testimonials here. As my time is limited, I will not be offering these sessions for much longer so grab this amazing offer while you can! 🀩

✨✨✨NEW BONUS: If you don't need coaching, when you purchase Angela's yearly membership option (and pay in full) choose a free four panel custom art portrait (Worth $125. See info above!)
​Please note: Because Angela offers a 30 day refund policy on all her products, send me your receipt as soon as you've purchased, but please allow for payment to clear before collecting your bonus.

My pal Melanie Dougherty over at Bittyspire and has just announced her upcoming monthly product drops coming out in October for Club Pin!
This includes:

1. Finances Tracker - Savings, Debt, Expenses, and all thing organizing money - subscriptions, account and contact numbers, habit tracker for money mindset...

2. Money Manifestation and Affirmations HOW TO Guide - includes step by step directions to help you and your customers work through financial memories, limiting beliefs - and transform what their goals and dreams are about money - into their personal Money Affirmations - Printable Card Deck included - 27 affirmations included + blank card deck template to create your own! Also included: Check from the Universe, Money Mood tracker...​
⚑ AND GUESS WHAT? Mel has offered an exclusive discount ONLY to my readers, so read on to get the 411!​
If you haven't heard already, Club Pin is soooo much more than just a membership for Pinterest. You get a HUGE amount of PLR printables that you can sell on Etsy, your website, give away to clients, etc. Mel is always improving her membership too so expect big changes to come soon along with a possible rise in the price!
​Each month for only 10 measly bucks, Club Pin Members receive:

TWO new printable products with PLR. The first product consists of 8-12 unique pages. Have a look at the photo above to check out what's included!
You'll also receive:

- 8 (or more) Pinterest Pin Templates - coordinated theme
- 8 (or more) Square Product Mockups - sized 2000px by 2000px, and also with coordinated theme
- Access to the library of Canva Customization and Tech tutorial videos.

Even, better, you'll also receive all of September's content seen in the photo above!
​Cost = $10.00 per month everything!! Grab this fantastic membership while you can, before Mel comes to her senses and raises her prices!
More importantly, don't you love the idea of supporting nice humans that are knowledgeable, fun and super supportive?
⚑ Exclusively for readers of my newsletter, Mel has generously offered a 50% coupon to save on your first month of her no brainer membership using
Pay $5 only for your first month, after which your cost will go back to the already too-good-to-be-true price of $10. Sound good?

✨BONUS - Because Mel is the Salt to my Pepa, if you join Club Pin using my link, choose one painting from my Etsy store. Yep, even if you're only paying $5 piddling bucks. 🀣 The ones in the store come with personal use, but you will get yours with commercial usage! You can also save your bonus for upcoming items in my store. My bonuses do not have an expiry date. πŸ’—

Fantastic Monthly Memberships to Grow Your Biz:
Most of these memberships qualify for a bonus so check out the Bonus Key below!
To claim your bonus, please email me at lara@talesfromtherouge.com with BONUS in the subject line.
Amy (Fruitful Freelancing) Low Content Intel Subscription - $19.95 mo/$195 yearly. (B/BZ40)
Angela Wills' Email Practice Club - $20 (founding rate!)/$200 yearly. (B/BZ30**)
​NEW! Becky (PLR Beach) Business Beach Club Member and Pro Member - $29 or 99/month (DB/BZ30)
D'vorah (Share Your Brilliance) Content Creation Club - $27/month (See above for deets!) (B)

Faith (Faith's Biz Academy) Canva Templates Vault - $9/month ($197 one-time fee) (BZ40)

Gabby (Cup of Zen) Spirit Animals Monthly Membership - $15/month
Jenn (Planning Addicts) Monthly Printables Club (Newly revamped!) $10/month

Liz Wilcox's Email Marketing Membership - $9/month

Melanie's (Bittyspire) Club Pin $10/month (See above for deets!) (B)

Melody (PLR of the Month) Kitchen Sink PLUS $27/month (B)

Michelle (Secret Owl Society) Planner Girl Insider's Membership (Onetime fee for Lifetime access! $300 flat or $50 x 6 months.) (BZ60)

Mim Jenkinson's Create + Co-Work Club - $19/month
Lady Rayven's Abundability's 1111 Club - $11/month. ​
Sue (Createful Journals) Monthly Inspiration Templates & Journal Prompts $7/month
Sue (Createful Journals) Pretty Printables Club $10/month
Alice & Yusef (Ekit Hub) Shortcuts and Templates Club - $1 trial. ($19.95/month after trial)

B - A painting from my Etsy store with commercial use!
DB - A bonus from my
bonus page. ​
​BZ30 - A 30 minute Intuitive Business Coaching Session* (*Check out some of my testimonials here.)
BZ40 - A
40 minute Intuitive Business Coaching Session*
BZ60 - A
60 minute Intuitive Business Coaching Session* ($300 flat fee option)
*All bonuses are one-time and not recurring.
**Please allow for payment to clear for any memberships that offer a refund policy. (ie: Angela Wills.)

Thanks so much for being part of my newly-blossoming list. I'll be back soon with more great offers, stories and special gifts just for you.

Happy Tales!

Lara xo

My name is Lara and I'm the owner of Tales From the Rouge - inspired by a magical enclave in the Rouge Valley in the east end of Toronto, Canada. I'm a writer/television producer and a wife and mom who loves photography, crystals, and my ever-expanding collection of typewriters. I'm inspired by nature on a daily basis and draw inspiration from my surroundings which trickles down to my creations.

You are receiving this newsletter after signing up for one of my paper packs in a free or paid bundle or giveaway. I hope you'll stay and enjoy my newsletter containing useful health and wellness tips, fun stories along with awesome promos and gifts! However, if you don’t want to stick around, just hit that unsubscribe button at the bottom of this email. I do hope you hang out for a bit to see what the fuss is all about!​

I often recommend products and services that I use or that have been recommended to me by people I trust. In many cases these recommendations are accompanied by an affiliate link, which provides me with a referral commission if you click through and make a purchase.

The information presented here is for educational purposes only. Before taking any action that may affect your health, finances, or well-being, please check with your own doctor, health-care provider, financial and business advisers. Always do your own due diligence.

Lara Champion

Writer, TV Producer/Director, Digital Creator. (Discovery Channel, HGTV, The CBC, Elle Canada, The Toronto Star, and US Weekly.) Although I'm an award-winning journalist who has shot stories around the world, nothing gives me more joy than taking photos in my local stomping ground, β€œThe Rouge” and turning them into illustrative art. I love sharing stories and images with my community along with free and paid resources to help others break the chains of the 9-to-5 hamster wheel to achieve a life they love. Check out my previous posts but keep in mind that only subscribers get access to my occasional gifts which aren't posted below - so sign up to receive my daily newsletter!

Read more from Lara Champion
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